Welcome To

Izaz Ahmed World!

Creating History

I did not know that I would love coding this much until I joined programming hero class. Thanks to my well wisher, big brother and mentor Rony Da for pushing me to do this and to have faith in me. Also, Jhankar bhai, you rock!


Dream Big

Become a web developer

I am leranign coding from progamming hero and I am loving it so much. Want to learn as much as I can from this course and practice more and more to become a good developer. My dream is to be a such developer who is ready to take any challanges and willing to conqure all of them.



Full Stack Developer

2022 - Present

I am the master of HTML, CSS and Javascript. I know everything needed to make a website function, efficient. I didn't stop with the web. I went beyond with most popular Javascript framework called Vue JS. I even know the deployment, server and security. I will give you 100% web solution.

Baby Web Developer

2022 - Present/Learning

They didn't offer me a job. But I made myself as a remove web developer. I made their website and showed it to them. They liked it. And uploaded the content. It was fun working at Programming Hero.

Semantic Tags

Semantic Tags are those tags which not only define how they will look like in a browser but also what the purpose is. In another way, it describes why this(any semantic tag) is used. There are few example of the semantic tags given below.

  1. article
  2. header
  3. footer
  4. main
  5. nav